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Tuesday, September 25, 2012


...I am the worst travel blogger ever. To everyone who has been looking for regular posts from me, I'm sorry. This whole polychronic thing is really starting to sink in, I think. Well, that and I haven't done anything dreadfully interesting lately.

Okay, let's see; two weekends ago, I stayed here in Ifrane, which meant I did homework and hung out with friends all weekend. That was fun, but not something I'd like to do all the time, since there's really not all that much to do on the weekends in Ifrane unless you like being out until four in the morning at one of the two local "clubs" and marinating in concentrated cigarette smoke. It seems like everyone smokes here, and there are no rules about smoking inside, so if you go inside a restaurant--not even a bar--the air will probably be kind of foggy from the smoke. That's one thing I miss about 'Murica. Otherwise, I quite like it here.

Last weekend (the one that ended two days ago, if you're counting), I went to Temara on a church retreat. Temara is sort of a suburb of Rabat and is right on the ocean. It was absolutely beautiful and the weekend was very peaceful. I'll post pictures of the beach as soon as I rescue my camera from the clutches of my possibly buggy purse. That was the one downside to the weekend; some dastardly little harbingers of itchiness hid out in my mattress at the beach, I believe, because I now have odd little bites on my arms and legs. Oh well. The bites are going down already and I haven't yet sprouted extra limbs or anything, so I think we're good. Hooray for new life experiences!

Other than that, life is continuing along its new status quo. Homework has started to ramp up a bit, a fact which has partially contributed to my recalcitrant blogging habits. There's a lot of reading but hardly any written homework, which is the converse of what I'm used to at my home university. Thus, it's been kind of weird for me to have to make that switch in my mind. Everything is progressing well, though, so I'm not worried.

As for the disturbances in the MENA that have apparently continued, rest assured that none of that has touched Morocco much, let alone sleepy Ifrane. I'm continuing to keep my eyes open--as usual--but all is well here. No worries. Pics to come.

Later, gators.


  1. There is no way that you could possibly be the worst in the ten year history of ubiquitous travel. You can write readable sentences. That alone puts you above about 50% of bloggers. You also write sentences that are enjoyable to read, which vaults you above most of the rest of bloggers.

  2. *ubiquitous travel blogs

    It is possible that I am the worst travel blog commenter ever.

    1. Haha. No worries. Glad to see someone is enjoying my soliloquies!
